Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ladies and Gentlemen... I interrupt the usual blogs posts to bring you this exciting news from DTS 2006:

KARI KING GETS TO VISIT THREE, I REPEAT, THREE COUNTRIES ON HER OUTREACH!! Not only will her small team be going to China and Cambodia, but they will also travel to Thailand to help out at a YWAM China Conference. They will be working with the children of the staff members who are going to the conference. Kari, Sarah, and Nick are very excited to visit another country and be a blessing to those workers who give their lives for the people of China.

Also, Kari has highlighted her hair blonde, yes, blonde. Everyone on Base loves it. Pictures and a further report to come at a later time, but only if people want it.

What kind of jewel are you?


Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I am sick!!!! :( I came down with a cough/cold this week. My nose is all stuffy and my voice is messed up because of my cough.

This week our speakers, Jeff & Diane Littleton, spoke on the Father heart of God, so God as Father. Oh my word, I am having a big brain fart. I do not know what to say here. Maybe more will come later.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

He's so cute!!!!!!!!!!

This is a totally cute puppy that I met. He is a Cocker Spaniel and he is 10 weeks old. I have decided that I want that kind of dog when I grow up. :D He is soo cute!

This is Amber with the puppy. His name is Nicholas.

I am now totally off caffeine(again) and have been off for one week. Pray that I keep on with that since caffeine is not good for my heart. Oh by the way, we found out my heart condition. I have PAC, Premature Atrial Contractions. So basically it is premature beatings in the top two chambers of my heart. Yeah. This is what I have to drink if I want a soda and have quarters to buy a soda, which most of the time I don't. The machine only turns ones and fives into quarters, not twenties. :)

This be Amber and me on the bus. We mastered the bus system from PT to base!!! WOO HOO!!! Except for the part when we had to walk 3/4 of a mile from the bus stop to base, her in flip flops, me in my boots. Yeah, not fun. But we talked about airline horror stories the whole way back. Good times, good times

Monday, October 09, 2006

Home away from Home

Aaawww!!! I just got an email from Gramma Janet (and Mel, your song from BarlowGirl is playing). It was special cause she just talked about what they are up to, what they were doing, how the kitties and Maddie are, that Nathan was coming over, about Aunt Leah and Christian. I love it!!! Hearing about what people are doing and how they are doing is... I don't know how to explain it. Since I'm not there, I wanna be able to see what I would see if I was there. Yes it makes me miss home when I hear about life, but it also helps me. To know that life is still the same and you think about me enought to tell me how life is going. I feel so disconnected with the world. Which is good in some aspects, but in others, I have no idea what is going on!!!

So if you think about it, shoot me an email or send me a letter or comment me about what is up with you.

Kari King
c/o YWAM
PO Box 989
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Love you all and miss you lots!!!

Love, peace and chicken grease!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006


So like yah. I live with some pretty weird people. Marci was just singing a random song she made up about her study partner who left her, so Janea got the hint and came running. We are learning the books of the Bible and 1 John 1:8-9 this week and it is due in the morning. So they need to study. I've got it down, so I am good. :P This week's memorization was pretty easy for me cause I already knew the books and 1 John 1:9, but last week... geeze. We learned Colossians 1:9-14. I got it done, but only by the grace of God. I am not a very good memorizer person. I just have to remember that Zechariah comes before Zephaniah...
Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, Malachi
Got it. Okay.
Me and Sawah made an AWEsome apple crisp today for dessert. Oh my word. Nick is freaking out just outside. WOW!!! That was interesting. And he and Anthony are totally like, being boys. Yeah, the girls will understand that one.
Okay this post is really random. I have no deep phylisophical thoughts. So I will leave you with this really random and wierd post.

Love, peace, and chicken grease!