Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ladies and Gentlemen... I interrupt the usual blogs posts to bring you this exciting news from DTS 2006:

KARI KING GETS TO VISIT THREE, I REPEAT, THREE COUNTRIES ON HER OUTREACH!! Not only will her small team be going to China and Cambodia, but they will also travel to Thailand to help out at a YWAM China Conference. They will be working with the children of the staff members who are going to the conference. Kari, Sarah, and Nick are very excited to visit another country and be a blessing to those workers who give their lives for the people of China.

Also, Kari has highlighted her hair blonde, yes, blonde. Everyone on Base loves it. Pictures and a further report to come at a later time, but only if people want it.

What kind of jewel are you?


Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to hear more!!
I loved seeing you this last weekend! It was very refreshing! I love Amber! She's so funny and sweet. I hated the part where I had to say good bye though... I had to take a shower that night so no one would see me cry! :( *sniff* At least I got to see Jonathan last night, that made me feel better!! tehehe!