Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Back from the Outside...

I took a trip to the outside world that had... cough, cough... sputter, sputter... dial up. So I did not even try to get on. hehehe... and when I got home, our internet was down cause some wiring got messed up or something like that. So basically I was off the internet for like four days. *GASP* I know!!!

Today I am happy and sad. My friend Amber went home to Hawaii today, but I am talking to my friend from Romania. There is so much to do and a little time to get it done. BLAAAAAH!!! I should get a move on, but I really just want to sit here at my computer. I should work on my presentation for Sunday, but that would require me thinking. :silly *sigh* Today feels like a lazy Spring day. Although I did get up at 6:45am, but that was to take Amber to the airport.

Anyways... that is really all I have to say. I can't come up with a good story from Outreach to share. So here is a list of the cool things I ate while in Asia:
Cow Stomach
Pig Brain
Goose liver
Fried Cricket (that is the picture in my profile)
A little fried fish from tail to head

Yes, you eat the whole thing... with rice of course.

This is the pig brain. It was... interesting.

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