So the past... umm... since Friday, so three days, I have been in the process of moving to North West Portland to work with a ministry called BridgeTown Ministries . Anyways, so that is what I am doing for the next six months. Working with them, getting a job, growing more and more in God, and learning how to be independent. That is weird, let me tell you. You mean I have to menu plan and like know what I am going to eat? Oh... yeah. Stuff like that. :P And learning a new area. That will be interesting. hehehe... yep yep.
God Stuff:
Ya know... I really, REALLY like God!!! He is like the coolest thing ever!!! Anyways, I have noticed over the past, oooohh, two weeks or so, and increase in... how do I say this... an increase in tears I guess you could say. I think that I am getting that back. I don't cry, let's start with that. And I certainly DO NOT cry in front of people. Hate that. About 2 weeks ago or so, Mom and I were talking about life stuff and I started like sobbing. She held me and I just cried. I had been bottling stuff up and stuffing the tears. I am a girl!! And girl's have a big right to cry. Tears are something God gave to women to release emotions. Since that night, I have cried more then I did while on DTS. Crazy, yeah? But it is so... I don't know, so good, so wow. And I actually cried in front of people today. The worship leader at Gramma's church was singing a closing song and during one part it totally spoke to me and sounded like this part of my life. I'm not sure what the name is, but I am going to try and find out. Anyways... yeah. God is doing some cool things right now. I am excited to see what's next!!
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