Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Three Days

These first three days of the Daniel Fast have been rough to say the least. I haven't really struggled with the food aspect of things, but the emotional and spiritual side of the fast. It seems that everything that could have been thrown at me has been. Communication breakdowns at work and with friends, working long hours due to the break down, and things Satan has tried to whisper into my heart. I am completely exhausted and it is only Wednesday. Where I have struggled with food is usually when I feel this way I drown my sorrows in dark chocolate, peanut butter and caramel macchiatos and for some reason beans, rice and guacamole just don't have the same effect. :P So instead of junk food, I have been cranking the worship music. Singing at the top of my lungs: "My heart is free! No chains on me!" "All my fountains are in You!" "Waiting here for You/With our hands lifted high in praise/And it's You we adore/Singing Alleluia" "I am alive cause You are alive/And Jesus your presence is changing my life."
I wish I could say that my attitude has been amazingly transformed since I started this new habit of junking out on music, but not exactly. I still want chocolate, I'm still an emotional wreck, but I also want more of Jesus. Much more. I feel this fast is going to be a time of deepening my relationship with Him. Taking it to the next level. Embracing whatever that looks like.
I was challenged today as I read Daniel 1 and jotted down some thoughts.
Daniel 1:8 "But Daniel was determined not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief of staff for permission not to eat these unacceptable foods."
Other versions say he resolved, made up his mind not to defile himself. Not only was he determined not to defile himself, but also to keep God first in his life, even though his life had dramatically changed. He was determined to follow, honor, please and serve God no what what happened in his life. So no matter what is going on in my life, communication break downs or long hours, I am determined to follow God.
As I struggled this morning two songs played on the radio that spoke to me:

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