Sunday, March 15, 2009

Much too young to feel this dang old

Yes, I realize I don't write things as much as *some* people think. *coughAmandacough*  Sometimes these thoughts that I could turn into a blog come, but they do not come at the most opportune times.  Same with ideas about my projects at school.  These thoughts pop in when I am driving or trying to get to sleep or when I am in the shower.  Not good times to be writing things down.  And my brain is having "senior" moments.  Not the I am over 65 senior moments, but the I will graduate in about 6 months senior moments.  My brain feels done.  Poke it with a fork, it could be overcooked at this point.  It doesn't seem to matter how much sleep I get, I am tired.  There is a lot to think about and a lot to do.  This next quarter will be a stressful one because we have a community fair that the students do research projects for, so I will be working on that.  This schooling has been good, but I am definitely ready for it to be over with.  Come on, I have been going to school since I was 5, so that makes 16 years of school!  I have a lot of book knowlegde and now I am ready for practical, hands-on learning.  Some life learning.  Which I know can be more difficult than book learning, but most times it is more beneficial.  So I have 20 credits this Spring quarter and 8 in the Summer.

I am really looking forward to my time in California this next week.  Weather that is slightly warmer and sunnier than it has been here.  I will be there with two of my best friends and will get to see a couple other friends while I am there.  There will be a lot of chilling, hanging out, walking, and laughing.  :)  It will be a good break before going back to school.

That is all the thoughts I have for now!  I am going to go to bed cause 5:30am is going to come earlier than I want it too.

Love and blessings to you all!

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