Sunday, April 29, 2007

loooong weekend

So yesterday I woke up at 7AM!!! Can you believe that I, Kari, woke up at that time on a Saturday!?!?! hehehe... well, I did. That was after going to bed at like 12am cause we had NightStrike. Anyways... I left the house at 8:15ish, stopped for gas, then headed up to Washington for the day. Yep that's right, the day. It was Crimson Bridge this weekend and they wanted to learn "The Stomp" which is a thing we did on DTS. So I drove up I-5 and got the NFC about 11ish. Spent the day there teaching The Stomp, prayer walking, and hanging out with my CB family (esp her!). Then at about 6:30ish I decided that I needed to go back home, so I got in I-5 and drove back to Portland. Sheri and a friend were watching a movie when I got home, so I watched that with them then got to bed at about 10:30ish. Was up again about 8 this morning and went to church with Gramma Carol. So now it is about 2:36 and I am ready for a nap. :P but I can't cause I gotta clean up my room, do dishes, hang my curtains, and run to Fred Myer to get some stuff for my printer. This weekend has been busy to say the least.

Bubbles got some HOTT boots!!! Check these out:

Uh huh, that's right! AWEsome, eh??

PS: Currently Starting the first season of CSI and eventually the first season of House. :P Sheri has season 1-4 of CSI and 1-2 of House. hehehe... and I'm gonna watch em!! Oh and I am eating Couscous. yummy!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

And Stuff!

I am blessed beyond all measure.....

With Family who loves me and supports me 100%
With a Church that supports me
With Friends who pray for me and care about my life

With a God, whom I can trust with my life, my decisions, and my future. Who loves me more then anyone ever could.... Who gently leads me back on to the path when I stray... Who is Elohai... My God.

What more could a girl want?

Changing gears....
I had life smack me in the face this week when I realized I am turning 20 in about a month. CRAZINESS!!!! I am leaving the teenage years and entering the young adult phase. Weird.

Pics of my house
My bed... yeah it's a twin. Bummer. :P

I know it looks messy, but I am just working on a couple of projects at the same time.

The living room... We have a bigger TV now... well as I am in the process of writing this a guy came and got this tv and we got one from the Center. Man change happens fast! ;)

The kitchen... small, and not much counter space, but cute.

There you go! That is my house!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

blech, blah, gag

i do not like not feeling well. i wouldn't say i'm sick, i just don't feel very good. and it sucks. yup yup.

this coming week is going to to pretty much me looking for a job. i'm gonna talk to some people and see what happens. pray i get the one God wants me to get.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hit the ground running... kinda.

Well, my first team here at BTown came in last night. They are doing A Week of Passion. So the got here last night and they received orientation. They are spending the day in Portland today so I am chilling at my house. That sounds so cool. My house. hehe... anyways, I'm gonna work on my Resume and College app today, go buy a coffee grinder (yes, for my DECAF coffee), and chill until about 4pm when I will help get dinner ready for the team. Life has been good so far. Oh yeah, my job this week is to job shadow. So I am following Josh and Sheri around seeing how the team stuff works. This morning I was up at 7 to make sure the team was up and ready at 8. Well, I was awake at 6 but dozed until 7ish.
I am actually really excited about one place I am going to look for a job. It is called Children's Relief Nursery and it is a Child Care Center for low-income families. I am totally praying that I will have the opportunity to work there. SHOOTS!!! I just remembered that my CPR/First Aid Card expired a couple months ago. I'm gonna have to find a class. Bleh, I don't like those classes. Oh well, it's for da babies. I am also updating my resume. Yeah I am having lots of fun.

The meaning of multi-tasking: talking on phone to friend in HI, IMing Mom, updating resume, posting blog, and writing an email, while listening to music and thinking about a million different things. lol.

Monday, April 09, 2007


So the past... umm... since Friday, so three days, I have been in the process of moving to North West Portland to work with a ministry called BridgeTown Ministries . Anyways, so that is what I am doing for the next six months. Working with them, getting a job, growing more and more in God, and learning how to be independent. That is weird, let me tell you. You mean I have to menu plan and like know what I am going to eat? Oh... yeah. Stuff like that. :P And learning a new area. That will be interesting. hehehe... yep yep.

God Stuff:
Ya know... I really, REALLY like God!!! He is like the coolest thing ever!!! Anyways, I have noticed over the past, oooohh, two weeks or so, and increase in... how do I say this... an increase in tears I guess you could say. I think that I am getting that back. I don't cry, let's start with that. And I certainly DO NOT cry in front of people. Hate that. About 2 weeks ago or so, Mom and I were talking about life stuff and I started like sobbing. She held me and I just cried. I had been bottling stuff up and stuffing the tears. I am a girl!! And girl's have a big right to cry. Tears are something God gave to women to release emotions. Since that night, I have cried more then I did while on DTS. Crazy, yeah? But it is so... I don't know, so good, so wow. And I actually cried in front of people today. The worship leader at Gramma's church was singing a closing song and during one part it totally spoke to me and sounded like this part of my life. I'm not sure what the name is, but I am going to try and find out. Anyways... yeah. God is doing some cool things right now. I am excited to see what's next!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Line

This is it
the end of one chapter
closing up of the childhood
no longer one of the youngers
becoming all growed up
making adult decisions
looking at life with adult eyes
no longer concerned with childish things
Life is settling in
making it's home
no more beating around the bush
i am making a stand
drawing a line
You, Abba, are the center
the focus of my life
in You i put my trust

When I was a child, I talked like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.

TRUST on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2.confident expectation of something; hope.
3.confidence in the certainty of future payment for property or goods received; credit: to sell merchandise on trust.
4.a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust.
5.the condition of one to whom something has been entrusted.
6.the obligation or responsibility imposed on a person in whom confidence or authority is placed: a position of trust.
7.charge, custody, or care: to leave valuables in someones trust.
8.something committed or entrusted to one's care for use or safekeeping, as an office, duty, or the like; responsibility; charge.

I trust in Him, wholly and completely......... Do you?
He is the center of all that I do....... Is He your center?
He is in control of my future......... Is He in control of yours?
His spot is in the driver seat......... Is He driving your life or are you?