Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am home

Okay, I am now sitting in our dining room... HOME!!! What a wonderful place. There is so much to tell, so many stories, but to you that is all they are. When you look at the pictures, you will see the most beautiful children, but when I look at the pictures, I feel their arms around my neck, their hands gripping mine, I see the filthiness, I see their in their eyes a longing to be loved, I smell the unwashed smell, the sewage, the body odor, and once again I feel like my heart is being ripped out of me. The pictures that will be uploaded later, do no justice. They pretty up what is dirty. You don't see the pain, the dirt, and everything else.

(Sorry if this sounds a little depressing, that is not how I am feeling. Well, maybe a little sad , but not depressed.)

The World Traveler who is home,

Friday, August 04, 2006

I am loved!

Okay, so two people love me!!! And the ppl here do. I have found someone who like MD and M&Ms just about as much as I do!! We have been MD brother and sister these past two weeks. It has been great!

My brain is soo fried. It was about 100 degrees today, maybe more. But it felt SUPER hot!!!! Oh my goodness. Not sure exactly what to write. There is so much that has happened. My brain is not processing very well. There have been several times when I had to turn away and get under control, so that I don't start crying in front of the children. I will have lots of pictures when I get home. Or rather when Kris gets the pictures burned onto a cd. He downloaded everyones pics onto his comp and will burn us a copy when we get home. And there are so many stories. The Rats family, the little beggar boy, the blind, deaf, & dumb girl, Maria & Loare(I dunno how to spell it) and so many more. When I get home and have pics and time amd faster internet I will have more to post about. And after my brain has had a change to process things.

I miss you all. Honestly. I love theses people and the team, but there is nobody here now who I have really clicked with. Andrea had to go home. OH!!! I din't talk about Andrea. Well I dunno her background, but she met the team years ago in Bucharest when they did a basketball camp. Anyways, she was one of our interpreters. She is very lonely. Both of her parents have died and her sister lives in France. She is a PE teacher in Bucharest. She and I really clicked. We called eachother sister, my dear, and sweetie. It was great fun!! She was such a big help to our team and to me personally. We clicked at the right time. I wasn't really clicking with any of the other girls and I was starting to retreat into myself and all of a sudden BANG! This Romanian that I thought was quiet and reserved popped out of her shell. She was a God sent. Seriously. I want her to come live with me. I told her that when I opened my Center that she will have to come out and teach my kids PE and Romanian. :P And she is a kick in the pants. Her facial expressions were so animated and... and... there is no way that I could describe her to you.

Well, I am going to get a massage now. By two Physical Therapists, so there!!! They figured out what was wrong with my knee and gave me an exercise program that will straighten me out. I'll explain more later.

Love you all!!!!

The World Travelor,

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here I Am

Okay, I am still alive, but I just don't have the brain power to talk about all the things that are going on. I am soo tired, but am not sleeping very well. BUT do not worry! We have an in house doctor who gives out pills!!! So I am going to take mine now and go to bed.

Noapte Buna (Napta Boona)

And I am not going to post ANYthing else until I get some love people!!! I have posted and poured my heart out and what do I get!?!?! Big FAT ZERO comments!!! GAH!!!!! What to do with you all!!!!