Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here I Am

Okay, I am still alive, but I just don't have the brain power to talk about all the things that are going on. I am soo tired, but am not sleeping very well. BUT do not worry! We have an in house doctor who gives out pills!!! So I am going to take mine now and go to bed.

Noapte Buna (Napta Boona)

And I am not going to post ANYthing else until I get some love people!!! I have posted and poured my heart out and what do I get!?!?! Big FAT ZERO comments!!! GAH!!!!! What to do with you all!!!!

1 comment:

Amy Beth said...


Is it nt enough that I check here often to make sure that nothing is broken?

I updated your map AND where you are in the world AND I posted a post here.

Geez... Where's the gratitude?!
