Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am home

Okay, I am now sitting in our dining room... HOME!!! What a wonderful place. There is so much to tell, so many stories, but to you that is all they are. When you look at the pictures, you will see the most beautiful children, but when I look at the pictures, I feel their arms around my neck, their hands gripping mine, I see the filthiness, I see their in their eyes a longing to be loved, I smell the unwashed smell, the sewage, the body odor, and once again I feel like my heart is being ripped out of me. The pictures that will be uploaded later, do no justice. They pretty up what is dirty. You don't see the pain, the dirt, and everything else.

(Sorry if this sounds a little depressing, that is not how I am feeling. Well, maybe a little sad , but not depressed.)

The World Traveler who is home,

1 comment:

Amy Beth said...


When are we going to get to see pictures?

I want to see pictures!

Sometime before 10pm on a work night. :P