Monday, December 04, 2006

Did you know that turtles can breathe out of their butt?

I am very sad... NO ONE SENDS ME MAIL ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!! Sarah's dad sends her these really random postcards and I still get NOTHING!!!


*sniff, sniff*


BUT... if you wanna, you can send me mail:

Kari King
PO Box 989
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Friday, November 24, 2006

yah... i know, it's been a while

So yeah, I am back now. Didn't know I had gone, huh? :p hehehe... yeah, we went to Salem, OR to join with their school to hear Dean Sherman speak on Spiritual Warfare. And that was really cool! I learned so much about the Christian faith and why we believe what we believe. It was pretty much going back to the basics and learning why Jesus came and what power we have in him because of all that he did while he was here. It was amazing! I learned alot this week. But I am glad to be back on base. We have had a pretty messed up schedule the last couple of weeks and I am glad to be back with my family here and to a regular schedule.

Amy and Jesse came to see me today!! It was so cool!!!

So here are some random pictures from DTS:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am bored, no one reads this, and because I can


So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie

Opening Credits: Morning Hymn and Alleluia Chours--Sound of Music

Waking Up: God of Wonders--Third Day

First Day At School: All Around Me--Rebecca St. James

Falling In Love: Come Now Is the Time to Worship--Philips, Craig, & Dean

Fight Song: Binary--Popple

Breaking Up: I have Confidence--Sound of Music (That is good! :P)

Prom: Faith, Love, Happiness--Thousand Foot Krutch

Sex Scene: If I had my choice I wouldn't include this in the movie. Breathe--Rebecca St. James

Life's Ok: What Did You Say?--Popple

Mental Breakdown: Move--Thousand Foot Kruth

Driving: Dreams I Dream For You--Avalon

Flashback: Axel F--Crazy Frog

Getting Back Together: Tough Little Boys--Gary Allen

Birth of Child: Find Your Wings--Mark Harris

Wedding: Beauty and the Beast--Guess where... (honest!!! that is what came up!!)

Final Battle: Standin' in the Rain--Dave Thompson

Death Scene: Save the Last Dance For Me--Micheal Buble

Funeral: Etude in C Minor-Vladimir Horowitz

End Credits: Refelction--Mulan

A Christmas Survey by Kari/Sarah

1. Hot chocolate or apple cider?
Definately hot chocolate/Hot Chocolate

2. Turkey or ham?
Ham... turkey=BLECH!!/Ham

3. Do you get a fake or real cut-it-yourself Christmas tree?
The ONLY Christmas tree is a REAL one!!!/Real

4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
Heck yes!/Of Course, but only funny blow up animals

5. Snowball fights or sledding?
Umm... out of the two... sledding/Neither, I don't like the snow

6. Do you like hanging around the fireplace because it's warm?
Yes and because it is super romantic/Yes, if I am cold.. No when I am hott, but that is most of the time ;o)

7. Do you enjoy going downtown shopping?

8. Favorite Christmas song?
Winter Wonderland/For fun:Good News by Avalon, but my favorite hymn is God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

10. How do you feel about Christmas movies?
I really don't care one way or ta other/They make it feel like Christmas?

11. When is it too early to start listening to Christmas music?
Whenever I feel like it...GOSH!!!/Before Thanksgiving is too early

12. Stockings before or after presents?
Before!! DUH!!/Never had stockings (Kari: WHAT? are you serious?)

13. Carolers, do you or do you not listen to them?
We have a group of neighborhood kids come around and we listen to them, but other than that we don't get them/Never had any.

14. Go to someone else's house or they come to yours?
Both... I like somewhat of a variety/Go to someone else's house

15. Do you read the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve?
Yesh... tradition of Family/Nope... I read the "Littlest Orphan" and "The Christ Child" with my mother

16. What do you do after presents and dinner?
Umm... Presents come WAY before dinner/We ope presents in the morning, then go to Gramma's house and open MORE presents and then we eat lunch

17. What is your favorite holiday smell?
Christmas tree and Swedish Gingerbread Cookies/I dunno... Just the smell is different... like you get up early on Cmas mornign with the tree and the presents and it just smells good... a homey, comfortable, safe sorta smell

18. Ice skating or walking around the mall?
Ice skating/Neither

19. Favorite Christmas memory?
What? Umm... One year me and Jp and the Kilourn's drove around and looked at all the pretty lights and decorations... that was lotsa fun!!/getting to stay up really late on Christmas Eve doing stuff with my brother

20. Favorite part about winter?
SNOOOOOOW!!!!! Even though we don't get if very often./The smell and the rain

21. Ever been kissed under mistletoe?
No... That would be against my religion ;)/No, Praise the Lord!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Grey Stuff in life

So our speaker this week was Jonathan Stone and he gave a message that really got me thinking. It was about... well here are my notes:

The Grey Stuff in Life

Romans 14:1

Absolutes – Biblical right and wrong…It transcends all generation, all cultures, and all genders.

Stealing, murder, sex before marriage, etc

Preferences – personal choice in life, things we like

I like Starbucks, you like Folgers. Being married or single

Convictions – personal right and wrong…Not right or wrong for everyone

We mix them… our convictions become absolutes.

A: Gluttony is a sin

P: I like my steak well done

C: I am a Vegetarian

A: Honor Sabbath

P: I like to go the church on Sunday morn

C: I think Sabbath is on Saturday

A: Do not get drunk with wine

P: I like red wine

C: I don’t drink wine at all

How do you deal with the grey stuff in life?

  1. Figure out your own convictions (Romans 14:2-3)
    Your convictions should help you love people more not less
  2. Don’t force your convictions on someone else (Romans 14:3)
  3. Don’t judge people who have different convictions
  4. Don’t cause someone else to stumble (Romans 14:13)
  5. Stick to your convictions (Romans 14:22)
  6. Live out your convictions and give people room to live out their convictions

Four questions to help you decide what your convictions are

  1. What does my Bible say?
  2. What does my conscience say?
  3. Will this lead me to sin? I know that I am weak in this area…
  4. Is this loving my neighbor? Will this cause my neighbor to sin/stumble?

Yeah, made me think...

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Nick's too cool to get his picture taken.

My one on one, Becky. She's wierd, but really cool!!!!

He is a Vampire on his spare time. Anthony says that he makes wierd noises in his sleep and he sleeps in a mummy bag. hehehehehe... he's cool tho. :P

Me taking a picture of Amber taking a picture of Marci. (HA! You thought I was going to say she was taking a pic of me! :)

My "new" jacket that I got for $14 at the thrift store (you can kinda see the highlights in this one, I am working on getting a better picture of my hair.)

My man Anthony wearing my princess apron that Ms Sharon made for me. :D Isn't he cute?

Me and my superhero!!!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Ladies and Gentlemen... I interrupt the usual blogs posts to bring you this exciting news from DTS 2006:

KARI KING GETS TO VISIT THREE, I REPEAT, THREE COUNTRIES ON HER OUTREACH!! Not only will her small team be going to China and Cambodia, but they will also travel to Thailand to help out at a YWAM China Conference. They will be working with the children of the staff members who are going to the conference. Kari, Sarah, and Nick are very excited to visit another country and be a blessing to those workers who give their lives for the people of China.

Also, Kari has highlighted her hair blonde, yes, blonde. Everyone on Base loves it. Pictures and a further report to come at a later time, but only if people want it.

What kind of jewel are you?


Your beauty is both breathtaking and stunning. Your friends could see you everyday and still be enchanted.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


I am sick!!!! :( I came down with a cough/cold this week. My nose is all stuffy and my voice is messed up because of my cough.

This week our speakers, Jeff & Diane Littleton, spoke on the Father heart of God, so God as Father. Oh my word, I am having a big brain fart. I do not know what to say here. Maybe more will come later.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

He's so cute!!!!!!!!!!

This is a totally cute puppy that I met. He is a Cocker Spaniel and he is 10 weeks old. I have decided that I want that kind of dog when I grow up. :D He is soo cute!

This is Amber with the puppy. His name is Nicholas.

I am now totally off caffeine(again) and have been off for one week. Pray that I keep on with that since caffeine is not good for my heart. Oh by the way, we found out my heart condition. I have PAC, Premature Atrial Contractions. So basically it is premature beatings in the top two chambers of my heart. Yeah. This is what I have to drink if I want a soda and have quarters to buy a soda, which most of the time I don't. The machine only turns ones and fives into quarters, not twenties. :)

This be Amber and me on the bus. We mastered the bus system from PT to base!!! WOO HOO!!! Except for the part when we had to walk 3/4 of a mile from the bus stop to base, her in flip flops, me in my boots. Yeah, not fun. But we talked about airline horror stories the whole way back. Good times, good times

Monday, October 09, 2006

Home away from Home

Aaawww!!! I just got an email from Gramma Janet (and Mel, your song from BarlowGirl is playing). It was special cause she just talked about what they are up to, what they were doing, how the kitties and Maddie are, that Nathan was coming over, about Aunt Leah and Christian. I love it!!! Hearing about what people are doing and how they are doing is... I don't know how to explain it. Since I'm not there, I wanna be able to see what I would see if I was there. Yes it makes me miss home when I hear about life, but it also helps me. To know that life is still the same and you think about me enought to tell me how life is going. I feel so disconnected with the world. Which is good in some aspects, but in others, I have no idea what is going on!!!

So if you think about it, shoot me an email or send me a letter or comment me about what is up with you.

Kari King
c/o YWAM
PO Box 989
Port Hadlock, WA 98339

Love you all and miss you lots!!!

Love, peace and chicken grease!!!

Monday, October 02, 2006


So like yah. I live with some pretty weird people. Marci was just singing a random song she made up about her study partner who left her, so Janea got the hint and came running. We are learning the books of the Bible and 1 John 1:8-9 this week and it is due in the morning. So they need to study. I've got it down, so I am good. :P This week's memorization was pretty easy for me cause I already knew the books and 1 John 1:9, but last week... geeze. We learned Colossians 1:9-14. I got it done, but only by the grace of God. I am not a very good memorizer person. I just have to remember that Zechariah comes before Zephaniah...
Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, Malachi
Got it. Okay.
Me and Sawah made an AWEsome apple crisp today for dessert. Oh my word. Nick is freaking out just outside. WOW!!! That was interesting. And he and Anthony are totally like, being boys. Yeah, the girls will understand that one.
Okay this post is really random. I have no deep phylisophical thoughts. So I will leave you with this really random and wierd post.

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Whistle while you work!

Today was good.  Deidra talked about living a life of repentance.
We watched part of The Passion and had a time of reflection of
things we had not repented of. We wrote them down on pieces
of paper and nailed them to the cross. It was... hard, yes, but
very good. It is still hard for me to fathom that Jesus loved me
that much. To go through that pain and suffering, for me. And
I don't give Him all of the praise and the credit.

God has been stripping away my old identity and giving me His
identity for me. That is very good, yes, but extremely hard.
Compliments are hard for me to accept. The things He has been
speaking to me are hard for me to swallow. It's like, "God you don't
really think that about me do you?" And He says, "Yes, my child.
All that and more!" He says, "You are no longer called Normal. You
are My Princess. My eyes are on you. I'm dancing over you! You are
altogether beautiful, there's no flaw in you. You captivate me! You are
My colorful sunshine. A heart linker."

I am beautiful!
I am lovely!
I am Your Beloved!
I am captivating!
You love me!
You see me!!
You are dancing over me!
I am in Your spotlight!
There is no flaw in me!!
You made me to be wonderful!
I am your Daughter!!
You delight in me!
I have stolen Your heart!
I am Your Princess!
I am Yours and You are mine!

Last night, for the first time in a long time, I danced in worship.
In many places, I have felt like there is no place for my dance in
church or it was not accepted, or there just wasn't enough room.
It felt so wonderful to dance before God once again! God gave me
two pictures. One was of me standing in a beautiful dress and His
hand, with my name carved in it, was stretched out. He asked if I
would dance with Him and be His Princess. The second was of me
wearing the same dress, but I had a crown on my head, stretching
my arms toward His outstretched hand saying, "Yes I will dance
with You and be Your Princess!"

*deep breath* There you go. And that is only part of what is going on
here. :) God is definitely doing some work in me. Keep praying for me
please. Here are a few prayer needs I have:
Being tired. Not really physically, but emotionally and mentally
I have been struggling with headaches the last couple of days
That my attitude would stay right as the "honeymoon" period of living
with the same people is wearing off
And that I would continue to keep my heart and mind open to what God
wants to do in my life

That's all folks!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Part of this morning we talked about our soulprint or personality. For our homeowrk last night we did this exercise that helped us determine what kind of personality we are. I am:

Introvert (Inward): When you have free time you usually find yourself being energized by spending time alone. You prefer to think carefully about what you going to say before speaking.
In conflict you need to: Show some enthusiasm and let extraverts think out loud.
Sensing (step-by-step): You tend to be practical and like to do things in sequence - step one, two three.
In conflict you need to: Remember there are more than just the facts. Show how the specific relates to the general.
Feeling (heart): You tend to "go with your gut" seeing things in shades of gray and both sides of the picture when solving problems.
In conflict you need to: Be direct and show love in practical ways. Talk about the feelings of others as a fact to be considered.
Perceiving (spontaneous): You like a flexible and spontaneous approach to life and prefer to keep your options open.
Take a clear position. Give others warning of changes coming.

There ya go! I gotta go do my h/w for tonight. Blech. Homework. hehehehehe.

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

PS: For those who want to know more about me. ;)

Portrait of an ISFP - Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
(Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Sensing)

The Artist

As an ISFP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things according to how you feel about them, or how they fit into your value system. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five sense in a literal, concrete fashion.

ISFPs live in the world of sensation possibilities. They are keenly in tune with the way things look, taste, sound, feel and smell. They have a strong aesthetic appreciation for art, and are likely to be artists in some form, because they are unusually gifted at creating and composing things which will strongly affect the senses. They have a strong set of values, which they strive to consistently meet in their lives. They need to feel as if they're living their lives in accordance with what they feel is right, and will rebel against anything which conflicts with that goal. They're likely to choose jobs and careers which allow them the freedom of working towards the realization of their value-oriented personal goals.

ISFPs tend to be quiet and reserved, and difficult to get to know well. They hold back their ideas and opinions except from those who they are closest to. They are likely to be kind, gentle and sensitive in their dealings with others. They are interested in contributing to people's sense of well-being and happiness, and will put a great deal of effort and energy into tasks which they believe in.

ISFPs have a strong affinity for aesthetics and beauty. They're likely to be animal lovers, and to have a true appreciation for the beauties of nature. They're original and independent, and need to have personal space. They value people who take the time to understand the ISFP, and who support the ISFP in pursuing their goals in their own, unique way. People who don't know them well may see their unique way of life as a sign of carefree light-heartedness, but the ISFP actually takes life very seriously, constantly gathering specific information and shifting it through their value systems, in search for clarification and underlying meaning.

ISFPs are action-oriented individuals. They are "doers", and are usually uncomfortable with theorizing concepts and ideas, unless they see a practical application. They learn best in a "hands-on" environment, and consequently may become easily bored with the traditional teaching methods, which emphasize abstract thinking. They do not like impersonal analysis, and are uncomfortable with the idea of making decisions based strictly on logic. Their strong value systems demand that decisions are evaluated against their subjective beliefs, rather than against some objective rules or laws.

ISFPs are extremely perceptive and aware of others. They constantly gather specific information about people, and seek to discover what it means. They are usually penetratingly accurate in their perceptions of others.

ISFPs are warm and sympathetic. They genuinely care about people, and are strongly service-oriented in their desire to please. They have an unusually deep well of caring for those who are close to them, and are likely to show their love through actions, rather than words.

ISFPs have no desire to lead or control others, just as they have no desire to be led or controlled by others. They need space and time alone to evaluate the circumstances of their life against their value system, and are likely to respect other people's needs for the same.

The ISFP is likely to not give themself enough credit for the things which they do extremely well. Their strong value systems can lead them to be intensely perfectionist, and cause them to judge themselves with unneccesary harshness.

The ISFP has many special gifts for the world, especially in the areas of creating artistic sensation, and selflessly serving others. Life is not likely to be extremely easy for the ISFP, because they take life so seriously, but they have the tools to make their lives and the lives of those close to them richly rewarding experiences

Taken from: The Personality Page

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Short one

This is just a quickie cause I have to be at work duties in 15 minutes.

This time has been really good. Our first speaker is here all week. Her message is called Destiny by D.E.S.I.G.N. DESIGN stands for Dreams, Experiences, Soulprint, Identity, Gifts, Network. So far it has been really good, but semi difficult. They've been makign me think. WAAAA!!! hehehe. Thinking is difficult sometimes. lklsdfkwejfncnsdckdlrfueowfjdscdmnfefneff. Yeah, not sure what else to say. It is kinda difficult to explain it all. Especially when I am still process it all. Oh, her name is Diane Kurtenbach. Umm, I am having a great time. Love the people, the food, the campus, and... and... umm... love Jesus!!! YAY!!!! Today is the first day I have really missed home and people. I miss your face. (hehehe, for those who know what that means ;)

Anyways, got put my baby away and report to Mr. Jim and Ms. Dina(sp?) for Dinner prep.

Miss you all!!!

Love, peace, and chicken grease!!!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Sis, you totally just made my day!!! I came here and the hand pic is up and you can see the base in that one pic!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!

Anyways, Janea, Amber, and I are "hacking" into the bases wifi internet connection. Tis great fun!!! Yes we are allowed to be on, but we get connection on the dorm end closest to the dinning hall. :P Anyways, good stuff happening. I will post more tomorrow when it's not 11pm at night.

I love you all!!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Okay, I know that crying is good, but I have done soooo much if it in the past week, I am done. I hate farewells, even if it is for only five months. Only?? It feels like forever! Yes I will get to see my parents just about every month while I am gone, but I won't be home. I will definately miss my double bed. Going from double to extra long twin. And prolly to a queen when I get home. Oh yeah. Anyways, Mom and I went to Walmarche to get some last minute supplies (and this really cute pair of black courdroys[sp?]). All the essentials, shampoo, face stuff, laundry soap, contact stuff, all the fun stuff. :P

Tomorrow I will be crazily and madly packing all my stuff (okay not ALL, but some) to leave. GAH!! Where has all this time gone??? Tomorrow is like Wednesday! And I leave on like Thursday!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! *breathing* Be still my beating heart.

Gotta get to bed!

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

These are my two absolute favorite pictures from Romania. Four of those kids in the picture each have a piece of my heart. The biggest pieces go to the little boy on my lap, Constantine, and the little girl in front with the white tank on, Florentina.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I am home

Okay, I am now sitting in our dining room... HOME!!! What a wonderful place. There is so much to tell, so many stories, but to you that is all they are. When you look at the pictures, you will see the most beautiful children, but when I look at the pictures, I feel their arms around my neck, their hands gripping mine, I see the filthiness, I see their in their eyes a longing to be loved, I smell the unwashed smell, the sewage, the body odor, and once again I feel like my heart is being ripped out of me. The pictures that will be uploaded later, do no justice. They pretty up what is dirty. You don't see the pain, the dirt, and everything else.

(Sorry if this sounds a little depressing, that is not how I am feeling. Well, maybe a little sad , but not depressed.)

The World Traveler who is home,

Friday, August 04, 2006

I am loved!

Okay, so two people love me!!! And the ppl here do. I have found someone who like MD and M&Ms just about as much as I do!! We have been MD brother and sister these past two weeks. It has been great!

My brain is soo fried. It was about 100 degrees today, maybe more. But it felt SUPER hot!!!! Oh my goodness. Not sure exactly what to write. There is so much that has happened. My brain is not processing very well. There have been several times when I had to turn away and get under control, so that I don't start crying in front of the children. I will have lots of pictures when I get home. Or rather when Kris gets the pictures burned onto a cd. He downloaded everyones pics onto his comp and will burn us a copy when we get home. And there are so many stories. The Rats family, the little beggar boy, the blind, deaf, & dumb girl, Maria & Loare(I dunno how to spell it) and so many more. When I get home and have pics and time amd faster internet I will have more to post about. And after my brain has had a change to process things.

I miss you all. Honestly. I love theses people and the team, but there is nobody here now who I have really clicked with. Andrea had to go home. OH!!! I din't talk about Andrea. Well I dunno her background, but she met the team years ago in Bucharest when they did a basketball camp. Anyways, she was one of our interpreters. She is very lonely. Both of her parents have died and her sister lives in France. She is a PE teacher in Bucharest. She and I really clicked. We called eachother sister, my dear, and sweetie. It was great fun!! She was such a big help to our team and to me personally. We clicked at the right time. I wasn't really clicking with any of the other girls and I was starting to retreat into myself and all of a sudden BANG! This Romanian that I thought was quiet and reserved popped out of her shell. She was a God sent. Seriously. I want her to come live with me. I told her that when I opened my Center that she will have to come out and teach my kids PE and Romanian. :P And she is a kick in the pants. Her facial expressions were so animated and... and... there is no way that I could describe her to you.

Well, I am going to get a massage now. By two Physical Therapists, so there!!! They figured out what was wrong with my knee and gave me an exercise program that will straighten me out. I'll explain more later.

Love you all!!!!

The World Travelor,

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Here I Am

Okay, I am still alive, but I just don't have the brain power to talk about all the things that are going on. I am soo tired, but am not sleeping very well. BUT do not worry! We have an in house doctor who gives out pills!!! So I am going to take mine now and go to bed.

Noapte Buna (Napta Boona)

And I am not going to post ANYthing else until I get some love people!!! I have posted and poured my heart out and what do I get!?!?! Big FAT ZERO comments!!! GAH!!!!! What to do with you all!!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Yesterday and today

Oh my GOSH!!! The kids! I have come so close to crying, but didn't cause I din't want them to see. There was this mom with three girls. Not sure the age of the two older one, but the youngest was 5 months and was super tiny. I have a pic I'll show when I get home. Eeoi! I wanted to bring them home with me. So beautiful and so tiney because of malnutrition. The mom had no more milk, so she was spending their momey to get milk for the baby so the other children were starving. It was so sad. (I'm getting a knot in my throat right now.) I just want to love on all the children. Yesterday we were at one village all day and I was just so exhausted when we got home. I din't drink as much water as I needed cause I was not going to use the "Thunderbox." But oh my! We played games, had puppet Bible stories, sang songs, fed the children, washed their hair, did crafts, and loved on the children. It just broke my heart. And to watch them scarf the food down cause they were starving. Yoy.

Today was a free day. There was a Mideival Festival up on the Cidadel(sp?). It is kinda a renactment of back in the day. It was crowded to say the least. Oh my. Mel would have DIED!! There was a gal who eas dressed in something Mel would die for. She was dressed in black and green with some leather and she carried a bow with arrows. I tried to get a pic, but not sure it turned out. So many people were walking past. OH!!! I saw a dude that looked like Orlando Bloom. SERIOUSLY!!! Mom and I had to look at him twice. I almost got a pic with him, but wasn't brave enough to ask. Then we din't see him again. Oh well. I bought some stuff. :P I am a millionare!!! YESS!!! I have a 1 million dollar bill. Can you believe it!? I am rich!! By Romanian standards. GUESS WHAT!?!?! I found MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! It doesn't taste the same, but it is still MD. So now I will have a Romanian MD bottle and a Pepsi bottle. It's great.

I am learning two languages here. Romanian and Northern Irish. lol! There are four other ppl here besides our 19. Three are from N. Ireland and the other is from Scotland. Actually he was born in N. Ireland, but he lives in Scotland. Tomorrow we are going to church in Sighi. Dad is playing the guitar and singing two songs. Then we are going to Candu to go shopping for a while before going to the evening service in Tigmandru. I am going to get some handmade lace. It is beautiful! Yoy. I will prolly get some other stuff. Not prolly. I will. ;)

Well, I'll get off now. More will come when I have time.

The World Traveler,

Friday, July 28, 2006

Picture Picture!!

Okay, I m going to try and upload some pictures:

Yay! We are leaving!

Back in the gate. :(
We are leaving again!
Okay, I am getting gray hair uplading pics. This site will now only be my words. Pics will xome later.
I am going on a walk. More later.....
The World Traveler out

For the Impatient Ones

Amy here, Kari's unofficial webmaster. ;-)

For those of you who are impatient to see pictures (like me) , you can go to the Romania 2006 official website and look at the galleries.

It looks like they're being pretty good about posting updates there.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

In for a bumpy ride

Okay so our flight was not so smooth as the previous post. So we get on the plane and start to taxi. The captain comes over the loud speaker and says that there is a noise in the nose that he doesn't like, so they are going back to the gate to have the machanics look at it. The look, they fix, we leave. Start to taxi again, hear captains voice, again. Yeah, heard same noise, going back to gate. by now we are about an hour and a half behind. The captain said that they would try and fix the porblem or find us another flight. We sit for a bit then are told to exit the plane until they figure out what is going on. So we are waiting and waiting and then are told that they have a plane, but it doesn't leave unitl 7:30pm. We finally get off, 6 1/2 hours late. So when we got to Amsterdam at 11am their time, which is 1am your time and find out that we have to wait 8 hours until our flight left. We landed in Bucharest on Wed morn at 12am which was 2pm Tuesday for y'all. We rolled into Hotel Confort at about 1am. We caught a train to Sighisoara at 1pm Wedesday and rolled into Sighi at 5:47pm.

Today is Thursday July 27th at 11:35am here which is 1:35 am there. We have finished bagging 150,o00 children's vitamins and about 7,000 pills to treat worms. And we are now getting lunch ready and then we are going to Tigmandru to start the medical clinics. Where we will set up the clinic, a triage center, and children's center. Bubbles will be getting ready here in a sec.

I have pictures, but they will be uploaded when I have more time to pick and choose what I want y'all to see. Out of the 180 I have taken since Monday.

Love to all!!!!

The World Traveler,

PS: Sorry had not had time to miss y'all much yet. ;)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

And they're off!

Well, we fly in the morning, well actually afternoon, but we have to be at the airport in the morning. Our flight departs SeaTac Airport at 1 pm on Monday July 24th and we have a 2 hour lay over in Amsterdam. After departing Amsterdam we will land in Bucharest on Tuesday July 25th at 3:30 am. After arriving in Bucharest we will then take a 5 hour train ride to Sighisoara, where we will arrive somewhere between 10 am and noon.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


This is a place where you (friends, family, whoever) can come and see if I have updated on what is happing while I am in Romania, at DTS and PCYM and maybe afterwards, who knows? I don't know how often I will be able to update while I am gone. But check every once in a while to see if I have left something!! This is the first post, the next won't come for a while.

Romania - July 24th-August 8th

DTS - September 14th-March 7th, 2007

PCYM - March 2007-July 2007 (I am unsure of the exact dates as of right now)

Please pray for an open heart as I prepare for the work God has for me. Also pray that the money that I need will come in.

Thank you!!!

The World Traveler,