Monday, October 02, 2006


So like yah. I live with some pretty weird people. Marci was just singing a random song she made up about her study partner who left her, so Janea got the hint and came running. We are learning the books of the Bible and 1 John 1:8-9 this week and it is due in the morning. So they need to study. I've got it down, so I am good. :P This week's memorization was pretty easy for me cause I already knew the books and 1 John 1:9, but last week... geeze. We learned Colossians 1:9-14. I got it done, but only by the grace of God. I am not a very good memorizer person. I just have to remember that Zechariah comes before Zephaniah...
Zechariah, Haggai, Zephaniah, Malachi
Got it. Okay.
Me and Sawah made an AWEsome apple crisp today for dessert. Oh my word. Nick is freaking out just outside. WOW!!! That was interesting. And he and Anthony are totally like, being boys. Yeah, the girls will understand that one.
Okay this post is really random. I have no deep phylisophical thoughts. So I will leave you with this really random and wierd post.

Love, peace, and chicken grease!

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