Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Grey Stuff in life

So our speaker this week was Jonathan Stone and he gave a message that really got me thinking. It was about... well here are my notes:

The Grey Stuff in Life

Romans 14:1

Absolutes – Biblical right and wrong…It transcends all generation, all cultures, and all genders.

Stealing, murder, sex before marriage, etc

Preferences – personal choice in life, things we like

I like Starbucks, you like Folgers. Being married or single

Convictions – personal right and wrong…Not right or wrong for everyone

We mix them… our convictions become absolutes.

A: Gluttony is a sin

P: I like my steak well done

C: I am a Vegetarian

A: Honor Sabbath

P: I like to go the church on Sunday morn

C: I think Sabbath is on Saturday

A: Do not get drunk with wine

P: I like red wine

C: I don’t drink wine at all

How do you deal with the grey stuff in life?

  1. Figure out your own convictions (Romans 14:2-3)
    Your convictions should help you love people more not less
  2. Don’t force your convictions on someone else (Romans 14:3)
  3. Don’t judge people who have different convictions
  4. Don’t cause someone else to stumble (Romans 14:13)
  5. Stick to your convictions (Romans 14:22)
  6. Live out your convictions and give people room to live out their convictions

Four questions to help you decide what your convictions are

  1. What does my Bible say?
  2. What does my conscience say?
  3. Will this lead me to sin? I know that I am weak in this area…
  4. Is this loving my neighbor? Will this cause my neighbor to sin/stumble?

Yeah, made me think...

1 comment:

Amy Beth said...

Awesome stuff kiddo. I love reading what you're learning about. Can't wait to see you on Saturday!