Monday, March 12, 2007

Can we scream any louder?

During our trip to the Baima Village in the foothills of the Himalayas (meaning it was freezing to say the least), the team went up to a hill above the village to pray over it. The wind was blowing really hard. We were following what God was telling us to do and one thing He said was do "The Stomp." It is a compilation of a few proclimation verses, stomping, and clapping. Well, we screamed it out over the village. One of the missionaries was down at our guest house becuase her 18 month old was sleeping and she said she could hear us loud and clear. That was with the wind whipping really fast... in the opposite direction of the village. So we were yelling into the wind and she still heard us! Some of the villagers were "whooping" and hollering along with us even though they didn't know what we were saying. After we were done with that, we each (15 of us) picked up a stone and built an altar to God and as each of us placed our stone down we proclaimed a name of God over the Baima people. This time stands out as one of my highlights from the trip.

A few pictures from that trip:

The Baima Village, Mianyang Province, Republic of China

Worshipping from the high place over the village

Proclaiming God's Royalty and Glory over the valley

The altar we set up to remember God in and over that place

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