Thursday, July 12, 2007

The last two

I keep forgetting to update here with the recent posts.

July 10

And the word is crap

My day has screamed crap from the first note of my alarm this morning. Blech! I am super tired, don't feel good, I currently have the hiccups and to top it off I left my phone on the bus this morning. I am ready to just sit down and cry. I almost did on my last break. Holy stinking cow! I just want to go to my house in WA, see my mom, and sleep in my bed. But I have to do the adult thing and stay and do what I have to do.

Gotta go.. pray for me if you think of it.

July 11


Well I got my phone! YAY!!! And and.... yeah.... I am really tired, so all the things that I thought about writing about are so totally not there. That just bugs me!!! Well, I am going to go get Dairy Queen soon. Amber Pamber is here, so I guess I should go.

I cleaned my car out yesterday. :)


Back seat

Front Passenger floor


Back Seat

Front Passenger floor


The big trash bag that is full of the crap I took out of my car. hehehe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Evidence of two things: 1) Kari cleaned her car 2) Kari pulled away from CSI to do it :) I love you