Friday, October 19, 2007

I am THE woman!!

Yeah so my exciting story for the week is....


That's right.... AND I got my hands all greasy and gross. Blech...
later Dad asked if I used gloves. Err... forgot about that. Anyways,
so yeah. I went to Napa and got the light. btw, Dad is in DC, so he
couldn't do it and I have been going places after dark, so it needed to
be done. So I pop the hood of my car and look at what needs to be
done. It is the left headlight. Subaru did the brilliant thing of
putting that headlight right in front of the battery! Right on!
GAR!!!! So I called Dad and asked if he usually took the battery out
and he told me that he just loosens it and moves it back a bit. Easier
said then done... hello!! I have never done this before!! So
anyways... long story short. After moving the battery, getting dirty,
almost cussing out loud, hearing snide comments from the bro,
forgetting to put some part back in place, it raining during this whole
thing and not knowing what size of tool I needed to take the nut off
the battery... I did it!!!! Yay for me!!!! After it was all done I
decided that I never want to do that again. But I conquered the
headlight and a female stereotype all at once. (Yes I can fix my car
if I absolutely have to, but if I don't then I won't)

So now I have to get back to the fun(not) job of unpacking.

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