Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A little something random

Okay so I saw the dorkiest thing today. I was driving on I-5 and this guy on a Crotch Rocket passed me. I started to laugh!! He didn't have his feet on the foot pegs so they were just kinda dangling. He looked like he was going to push off the bike and launch himself into the Superman pose. It was interesting.

So I got my hair trimmed, or did I get it cut? Anyways, I got about 1 1/2 inches cut off the bottom, so it is a bit shorter, but I love it! It was getting just too long. It is now shoulder blade length.

And just cause I am a little bored...
Here are the rules:
Put the answer to the question in Google Images,and use the FIRST image that comes up (no clicking down to page 443 to geta pic. you like). Add some new categories if you can think of some.

The city and state you were born in, no quotation marks:

The city and state you currently reside in, no quotation marks:

First name, no quotes:

Hey, look! I'm a ship! :P

Your grandmother's name:

Your favorite food

Your favorite drink

Your favorite smell

Your favorite song

Favorite ice cream

Favorite US show (current)

Favorite UK show

Favorite shoes

Favorite comic strip

Favorite movie

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