Monday, May 28, 2007

up and down and side to side

I have heard it said that life is like a roller coaster and I totally agree. One day everything is fine. I am doing good, feeling well, happy with life. Then another day will just be crap. I don't want to do anything, I ask Him a lot of questions, and I wonder what in the world I am doing here. There are up days and down days. Side to side days. (hehe that sounds like Dr. Suess) I guess a butterfly has hard times getting out of their cocoon, so I have a hard time growing up. The adult life is so different then the teen and child life. It's craziness! And some days I feel like I have been thrown out there... GO... Be responsible if this and this and this and this. Can I handle this? I guess when I get the hang of how things work I can. I dunno. I'm just rambling. I think that when things start to get busy I will be better. I don't like having nothing to do all the time.

Amy and Jesse took me shopping and they bought me a really cute top for my birthday. :) I love it! Now I need to find a cute pair of shoes. They also took me to see Pirates 3. I loved it! But I'm not gonna say much more about it except stay through the credits. There is an easter egg at the end. :P

Anyways... ta ta!

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